
You can use the “Appearance” tab in the AnyColor preferences window to customize the colors and images used by AnyColor. The appearance tab is divided in two sections; the first section is about the overall appearance the browser and second one, which is optional, is specific to the main window.

There are several options available that you can customize. Try changing some colors and click the “Preview” button to see what happens.

  • The background color sets the color of all windows. It’s usually best to select a color that has good contrast to the text color.
  • The highlight color is used on buttons, tabs, hover effects etc. Similar to the background color, it’s best it has good contrast to the text color.
  • The text color is used for all text. Best results are usually achieved by using black (for light themes) or near-white (for dark themes).
  • The image fields take the URL of an image. This can be an image from the web or a local image file.
  • The image repeat settings allow you to specify if the image should repeat itself and how. “X” means that the image should repeat itself horizontally and “Y” means it should repeat vertically. You can set one of them, both or none.
  • Image position is used to set the “anchor point” of the image. In the main window options, the header image is usually positioned top-right while the footer image is positioned bottom-right.

Main window image tips

Images can be applied in several ways:

  • A repeated pattern: Select a relatively small image that tiles seamlessly and select both repeat-x and repeat-y. Don’t forget to set the text color too.
  • A logo, or a watermark: Select the image, clear both repeat options and position it top-right. Make sure the image is transparent so that it blends nicely with any background color. Alpha transparency can be used too.
  • A full width background image: Select the image and clear both repeat options. Make sure the image is wide enough to cover the whole area even in higher resolution displays and tall enough to cover any additional toolbars. For the footer image, keep in mind that the “Find bar” uses the image too. Last, don’t forget to set the text color too. It’s recommended to use images that are at least 1920 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall.

Step by step: Creating a dark blue preset

  1. Load the default preset.
  2. On the appearance tab, click on the Background color and choose a dark blue color like #111555.
  3. Set the text color to white (#ffffff).
  4. (Windows) Click the preview button.
  5. Go to the “Presets” tab, click the “New” button and enter a name for the new preset.
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